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Library Computers

Computer Replacement Programme

In February 2024 we completed a programme to review all the computers in the library and make sure that they are all up to standard. Many computers have been replaced with newer, better ones. While the total number of computers in the library has been reduced to just over 160, usage data suggests this will be plenty, and you should benefit from the standard of computers being generally much higher. This guide has been updated re. the number of computers available in each area, but we are still trying to compile information about what software is available.

Library Computers

The library has over 150 PCs and Macs that are available for student and staff use. All computers are available to use on a 'walk-up' basis; it is not possible to book computers (you can book study rooms that contain computers).

Computers in some areas were bookable during the 2022/23 academic year (and in previous years). Usage data suggests that booking was rarely used or needed, so it seemed simpler for everyone to remove the booking option for computers. Room booking is available via a separate system; logging in to computers in the study rooms is completely unrelated to the room booking and does not secure you the room.


Guide to Locations

The table below details the open locations (i.e., excluding study rooms and specialist areas) in the library and the type/number of computers available for use there. 


Study type

Area code

Computer type

No. of computers

Floor LG


B1 Apple Macs


Floor 0A


02 Windows PCs 


Floor 0B

Quick Access (15 minutes limit)

01 Windows PCs 


Floor 1A



Dual Monitor PCs 14
Apple Macs 1

Floor 2A


23 Windows PCs


24 Alienware PCs


22 Apple Macs 20

Floor 3


31 Windows PCs



The sections below show in which areas specific software is available.

Software List: A to M - applies to PCs only

Software beginning with A

Software NameAreas where it is available
Acrobat_2023_23.0_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
AfterEffects_2023_23.2.1_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Anaconda Navigator02, 31
Android Studio02, 31
Animate_2023_23.0.1_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Arduino02, 23, 24, 31
Audition_2023_23.2_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Autodesk 3DS Max24
Autodesk 3DS Max & Vray24
Autodesk AutoCAD23, 24
Autodesk Maya24
Autodesk Navisworks Manage24
Autodesk Revit24
Autograph23, 24
AWS CLI02, 31

Software beginning with B

Software NameAreas where it is available
Bridge_2023_13.0.2_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31

Software beginning with C

Software NameAreas where it is available
CadnaA23, 31
CATT Acoustic23, 31
CharacterAnimator_2023_23.1_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Cisco Packet Tracer02, 23, 31

Software beginning with D

Software NameAreas where it is available
DirectX 11 SDK24

Software beginning with E

Software NameAreas where it is available
No software

Software beginning with F

Software NameAreas where it is available
Feedback Discovery23
FileOpen_3.0.176.998_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
FileZilla02, 23, 31

Software beginning with G

Software NameAreas where it is available
Git02, 31
GitHub Desktop02, 24, 31
Granta Edupack23, 24

Software beginning with H

Software NameAreas where it is available
No software

Software beginning with I

Software NameAreas where it is available
Illustrator_2023_27.3.1_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
InDesign_2023_18.2.1_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Inspiration_9_IE_9.2.4_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Intel Haxm02, 31

Software beginning with J

Software NameAreas where it is available

Software beginning with K

Software NameAreas where it is available

Software beginning with L

Software NameAreas where it is available
LightroomClassic_2023_12.2.1_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Loadmaster x523
LTSpice23, 31

Software beginning with M

Software NameAreas where it is available
MathType23, 24
Matlab23, 24, 31
Maven02, 31
MediaEncoder_2023_23.2.1_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Microsoft PowerBI02, 31
Microsoft Project23, 24
MikTeX_22.7_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Mitsubishi SW0D523

Software List: N to Z - applies to PCs only

Software beginning with N

Software NameAreas where it is available
Netbeans02, 31
NI Circuit Design Suite23, 31
NodeJS02, 31
NotepadPlusPlus_8.4.8_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Nvivo_12.6.1.970_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31

Software beginning with O

Software NameAreas where it is available
OBS Studio24

Software beginning with P

Software NameAreas where it is available
Photoshop_2023_24.3_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
PreForm23, 24
Prelude_2023_22.6_x64_PR112, 24, 31
PremierePro_2023_23.2_x64_PR112, 24, 31
PremiereRush_2023_2.7_x64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
PSpice23, 31
PsychoPy_2022.2.5_X64_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
PuTTY02, 31
PyCharm02, 23, 31
Python02, 23, 31

Software beginning with Q

Software NameAreas where it is available
Quartus Prime23, 24

Software beginning with R

Software NameAreas where it is available
ReadAndWrite_12.0.75_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31
Reality Capture24
Rhino23, 24
Room EQ Wizard23, 31
RStudio02, 31

Software beginning with S

Software NameAreas where it is available
Sage02, 23, 31
SceneBuilder02, 31
SketchUp Pro23, 31
Sketchup Pro24
Snapgene Viewer02, 31
Softwareideas Modeler02, 31
Solidworks23, 24
SQLLite Studio02, 31
Substance3DDesigner_2023_12.4.0_x64_PR112, 24, 31
Substance3DPainter_2023_8.3.0_x64_PR112, 24, 31

Software beginning with T

Software NameAreas where it is available
Tera Term02, 31
Tomcat02, 31
ToonBoom Harmony Essentials24

Software beginning with U

Software NameAreas where it is available

Software beginning with V

Software NameAreas where it is available
Visual Studio24
VS Code02, 31
VXelements23, 24

Software beginning with W

Software NameAreas where it is available
WEKA02, 31
Wireshark02, 23, 31
Wolfson Suite23
Write-N-Cite_4.6.284_PR101, 02, 12, 23, 24, 31

Software beginning with X

Software NameAreas where it is available
XD_2023_56.1.12_x64_PR112, 24, 31

Software beginning with Y

Software NameAreas where it is available
No software

Software beginning with Z

Software NameAreas where it is available
Zbrush Core Mini24

Software on Laptops

In general, our laptops have only a basic software suite installed on them. If you don't see the software you need in the list of programs, check the Software Center on the laptop to see if it can be installed. All laptops should have the same software on them.  If you need particular software, we recommend that you check for it on the laptop you have borrowed before leaving the library.