The basic formats for creating a Harvard Solent reference for EU legislation, both in the text and in your reference list are below. After the first mention in your text, you can usually use a shortened title provided it is clear to which legislation you are referring.
Please note that the abbreviation EC/EU/EEC may vary depending on the date of publication.
Institutional Origin (Institutional Treaty) Number/year Date it was passed Title
Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 of 30 June 1992 on the agricultural production method
Title, COM (Last two digits of year) Serial number, draft or final.
Proposal for a Council Directive on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods, COM (93) 965, final.
Institutional origin Form Year/Legislation Number/ Institutional Treaty Date passed Title
Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcoholic beverages
For additional European Union legal publications, include as a minimum Title Year.
In your reference list, you can also include any additional information which clarifies the reference for the reader - e.g. legal references or series numbers and additional dates.
Consider including [viewed date]. Available from: URL so your reader can quickly identify the source.
NOTE: Law students should use the OSCOLA system to cite legal references.