This guide outlines the Library's Guided Learning sessions as part of Solent’s Guided Learning provision. It will also provide videos, Linkedin Learning content and resources relevant to your subject.
Guided learning is an essential part of your course and you are expected to undertake relevant activities to help you succeed in your studies and progress to further study, to professional-level employment or to start your own business.
For more information on Guided Learning and details of other sessions and content please see:
Our chat service is available 24/7 so no matter when you contact us there will always be a librarian on hand to help. During library staffed opening hours we provide a locally staffed service, where you will chat to a member of Solent Library.
During evenings, weekends, and bank holidays or University closure periods, your chat may be directed to our staffed "out of hours services" in another university library which may be located anywhere in the world. If they are unable to answer your question directly they will be able refer it back to Solent library staff who will be able to respond by email accordingly.