This LibGuide draws together all the resources you might need for your studies including access to the Library Catalogue plus links to useful eResources for finding articles, statistics, market research and more.
You will also find support for developing your research skills, referencing abilities and useful information about the library's services. Explore the different sections of the guide to find out more...
Celia Forrester Dan Scutt Mike Jones
The Information Librarians can help you with researching for your assignments, conducting literature reviews, referencing and developing all the skills needed to locate and evaluate quality information sources.
Support is available via email or you can request an individual (or small group) appointment.
Please feel free to email and a member of the team will deal with your query or appointment request as quickly as possible (please allow up to 3 working days for a reply).
Don't forget books!
Books on the practicalities of business-start-up are on Floor 1A at 658.11s.
The theory of entrepreneurship is on Floor 1A at 658.412.
You may also want to try this academic journal:
ProQuest Business is the major resource for enterprise and entrepreneurship:
Full-text academic journal articles, market research reports, trade publications, newspapers and e-books on a wide variety of topics.
To Log in off campus, enter your university email address and password.
Cobra contains information on running or starting up a business...
Covers legal, financial and employment issues as well as market insights, synopses and trends for all types of business start-ups.
To Log in off campus, view login details in SOL. You must log in to SOL and enrol on the passwords page.
Fame helps you identify a UK company’s main competitors using the Peer Report/Analysis tool.
It can also be used to:
Financial figures and graphs for major UK companies from their consolidated accounts and peer comparisons.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
WARC can help you explore trends in consumer behaviour and assess advertising and marketing opportunities:
includes a Pitch Support module with a new business guide
Articles, case studies, research reports, campaigns, awards and company profiles within marketing and advertising.
To Log in, enter your university email address and password.
Help guide use the User Guide for Universities link
Search tips
Basic Contents
TGI has consumer survey data based on an annual survey of 25,000 adults in the UK and can help with market demographics:
Market data gathered by consumer surveys - explore brand use, attitudes, motivations and demographics. Please note, you may need to access this resource from a personal or University network connection and/or device. Logins from an employer workplace connection or device may be blocked due to firewall restrictions.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Please note, you will need to set up multi-factor authentication before using this resource. If you are having problems setting up your multi-factor authentication, please contact the Guided Learning Centre.
Mintel is an excellent source for researching market share, trends, buyer behaviour and more:
Market research reports, trends and consumer data on a wide range of topics.
To Log in, choose Solent University. Enter your University email address and password.
Use BRAD Insight to find British advertising rates and circulation data:
Guide to all types of advertising media including rates, circulation and audience reach.
To Log in, you are required to create an account. Create your account in SOL. You must log in to Solent Online Learning and enrol on the passwords page.
Business and self-employed
The government's online resource for you and your business.
British Library Business and IP Centre
British Library help for small and start-up business.
Great Business
Support to start, grow and accelerate your business from the government.
Start up Britain
A national campaign by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.
Doing Business Guides
Links to guides on doing business with a range of different countries
Top Employers Institute
Lists Top Employers worldwide and offers certification
How to start a business in 20 days