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Company Information and Financials

Company Information and Financials

Image result for company financials

For some assessments you may be required to locate company information, including annual or financial reports. 

You can use our eResources to find lots of useful background information on companies, as well as 10 years of figures for larger publicly listed companies.

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Before you choose your company or industry, you may wish to check what information is available. 

Facts and figures for smaller companies can be hard to locate: 

  • Limited (Ltd) companies, unlike PLCs, are not required to make their annual reports publicly available. 
  • The company may be a subsidiary, in which case any information is likely to be subsumed within the report of its parent company. FAME includes summary data for subsidiaries and dissolved companies.

book iconDon't forget books!  

Check the Library Catalogue for books on larger companies. 

Use the International directory of company histories on Floor 1A. 
This includes summaries of company developments and significant events.

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Annual Reports

These tell you about a company in their own words and also give you financial information. 

Most annual reports are online via the company's website.  Look for links to Corporate informationInvestor relations or similar. 

Larger companies financial information for 10 years is amalgamated and can be analysed for profit/loss, turnover, ratios, stocks and shares and much more using:

For more information or for older reports try:

  • Companies House Beta Search - publicly available company information (this government department controls the incorporation and dissolution of all UK limited companies). 

  • SEC filings and forms EDGAR - inside information about US public companies, including company profiles and press releases plus the filings made to the Securities Exchange Commission giving financial data and management reports. 

  • London Stock Exchange - share prices, statistics and FTSE indices.

Other eResources

proquest company logoUse ProQuest Business to find articles, market research and newspapers on a company by limiting your search using the options provided: 

financial times logoUse the FT to find the most recent news on a particular company and use newspaper archives for older materials:

Additional information for some companies can be located in:

Mintel and Cobra may provide useful market research and industry information: