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Systematic Reviews

Advance searching databases

There are features on databases or eResources that will make your searches more productive.  Investigate them for your resource.

Check out:

  • Advance searching - use the fields to make your search more precise - eg author field, subject field, txt (text) field, etc
  • Use the thesaurus or MESH headings to find the best terms to search
  • Filtering  your search by date (bear in mind your stated inclusion/exclusion criteria)
  • Filtering your search by language
  • Filtering your search by publication
  • Filtering your search by country of publication
  • Peer review!

Do not filter by full-text - you can get articles via inter-library loan where the library does not have them in the collection

Create a personal account on the eResource (database) where you can save your search results, searches and set up search alerts to let you know when new articles are added.  (Create a separate spreadsheet for backup- though!).

Create a RefWorks account and export your results to it. 

Your information librarian will be able to advise with all of these points.

Finer Points of Searching

All databases (eResources) have tools to improve your searching.  

Use the onboard help to find out how your database  deals with proximity searching (how close words appear next to each other) and controlled language ( thesaurus, MESH headings, Subject terms) All of these can improve your searches.  The basic " " quote marks will work for all databases. 

Contact for more advice on searching for information