Databases (or eResources) provide access to quality academic resources for your work.
Some resources in the list will provide access to other content such as standards, ebooks, market research and multimedia resources.
For TV recordings back to 2008, scroll down to BoB National.
Provides full text access to our subscribed content including high quality literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Provides access to ebook titles covering a broad range of subject areas.
To Log in, enter your university email address and password.
Full-text academic journal articles, market research reports, trade publications, newspapers and e-books on a wide variety of topics.
To Log in off campus, enter your university email address and password.
Access subscribed full text journals for subjects including computer science, engineering and technology, psychology, business, biomedical science and social science. Also includes full text access to the Referex collection of ebooks in engineering. Please note that book chapters in other subject areas may not be available in full text.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Provides access to journal articles published by Wiley some full text articles are available for subscribed journal titles, most will just provide abstract details.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
A database providing access to over one million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics including data on business, technology, politics and society covering countries and regions around the world. Please note, Southampton Solent Library does not have access to the E-Commerce Insights module.
To Log in: enter your University email address and password.
Please note:
Provides access to recorded TV and radio broadcasts to all the major channels.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
LinkedIn Learning is part of the LinkedIn network. It is a website packed full of videos, tutorials and fully-curated courses taught by recognised industry experts offering high-quality instructional videos across a broad range of topics.
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