The Library is well-placed to support the development of the skills needed to appropriately access and use generative AI content within academic studies as many of these skills are the same as those taught to students through our information literacy training sessions.
To help with this, the points below outline how AI literacy skills will be woven into existing information literacy workshops that we run for students where appropriate:
Generative AI tools can be regarded as a starting point for an overview of a topic, however it is important to support students to develop an understanding that research and assignments must still be based on quality, reliable sources that provide sound evidence on which ongoing work can build.
Please get in touch if you’d like to arrange training where Information Librarians will teach information literacy skills to your students to help them find, access and effectively use the usual range of quality sources of information that are always available through the Library – and crucially to recognise how these skills transfer to accessing generative AI tools.
Please note: the Library does not provide training or support for using generative AI generally or for specific AI tools.