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Sport and Exercise Psychology


You need to reference all the sources that you use in your assignments - this includes citing them in the main body of your assignment (an in-text reference) and compiling a full reference list at the end of your work.

You will have to use two styles of referencing for this course.   For psychology you will need to use the APA standard and for the sport units you will use Harvard Solent.   It would be advisable to check with your lecturer which style they require before submitting work.  

Consider setting up and using RefWorks to manage your references as you can easily switch between styles for your work getting the computer to do most of the work for you.

If you need any support or have any questions regarding referencing then please don't hesitate to to email us via or

Referencing for psychology


Psychology uses  the APA style for references - use the links below for guidelines and help:

If you need any help with APA referencing, email

APA 7th edition LibGuide

Referencing for sport

The sport units use Harvard Solent style for references - use the links below for guidelines and help:


RefWorks is a tool to help  you to manage your references.   You can export references directly from the library catalogue, databases or even Google Scholar directly into RefWorks and format them into Harvard Solent or APA as required.  There is also a tool that can grab webpages and import them into your account.  

If you use RefWorks it will do most of the work for you, but it will make mistakes as it can only work with the data it can see - garbage in, garbage out.  Check the output before submitting your assignments.


Visit the RefWorks LibGuide for help in setting up your account or schedule an appointment with me.