Search these eResources (databases) to locate journal articles and other useful material for your studies.
Some resources in the list will provide access to other content such as standards, ebooks, market research and multimedia resources.
For TV recordings back to 2008, scroll down to BoB National.
This database covers a broad range of subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art to various areas of architecture and architectural design.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Search a comprehensive range of publications related to film alongside detailed filmographies. This collection includes the FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Database and both the AFI Catalog and Film Index International.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Access 160 full text journals covering dance, drama, stagecraft, comedy, film, and television (with indexes and abstracts available for a further 200+ journals).
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Provides full text access to our subscribed content including high quality literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Full text access to journals, magazines and conference papers published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Please note that books, theses and technical reports are not generally accessible except for abstracts and citations - see the ACM Guide to Computing Literature.
To Log in, click on 'Sign in' from the top-right and then click on 'Institutional Login'. Click Select Your Institution and search for Solent University. Click on the link and enter your University email address and password.
Access to 2800+ full text journals spanning more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences (or select to view reference details of further items covered by JSTOR). The most recent 1-5 years are not usually available. Also includes access to the Primary Source Collections which include 19th Century British Pamphlets, created by Research Libraries UK (RLUK), containing the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in research libraries in the United Kingdom.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
One of the largest single periodical resources available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and Humanities.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Full text news content from both the UK and Europe including UK broadsheets, tabloids and regional presses. More extensive international content can be accessed via International Newsstream and content specifically relating to North America can be accessed via US Newsstream listed under 'I' and 'U' from the tabs above.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Archival research resource of US and UK magazines providing access to primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
For a full list of newspaper resources (including access to historical newspapers) please see the A-Z list of news resources.
Provides access to fully interactive 3D animations and models of the human body also includes clinical videos and texts.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Provides access to recorded TV and radio broadcasts to all the major channels.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
High-quality instructional videos across a broad range of topics.
To Log in, select the Solent University SAML-DEV option (recommended for Solent University) and enter your University email address and password. Please note: You might need to set up multi-factor authentication to use this resource.
Google Scholar is a search engine that allows you to search for more academic content on the web. You can use it to track down journal articles, book details and more. You can set it up to show you which results you can access via a Solent University library subscription.
Set up a link to 'Import into RefWorks' for each result in your list. To set this up, go into the menu, select Settings and in the 'Bibliography Manager' section, select RefWorks and save.