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Human Resource Management (HR)

Can't Access an Article?

Some eResources just provide citation details and an abstract (a short summary) rather than the full article.  You can use the abstract to decide if the full text is worth reading. 

If you want to read the full text and it is not available:

  • Use "Is it @ SSU?" buttonis it at SSU icon  to see if the article is available anywhere else in the Library
  • Alternatively, look up the journal title (not the article title!) on the Library Catalogue to see if we have a subscription
  • Still no luck?  Check Google and Google Scholar for a copy - easily done if you search by "article title"
  • I really want this article and can't get it!  Apply for an inter-library loan - you can have a certain amount of these for free whilst at Solent. Please remember that there is a charge for the Library so only request items that you really need:

screenshot showing linked full text selected

If you only want to see articles that are available: 

  • Restrict your searches to Full Text using the options provided

  • Set up Google Scholar library links (see Google Scholar tab).

Picking Relevant Results

Sometimes you will get quite a few results and you will need to pick out the most relevant. 

First, ensure you have a good set of results to choose from:

  • your initial search uses all relevant words, "phrase searching", truncatio* and more
  • sort your results by relevancy
  • apply any relevant filters such as fulltext/peer reviewed/location/subject

Now look through your results:

  • Note where your search words appear in the title/sentences - this helps you decide if something is worth clicking on.
  • ​For each relevant article, click through and read the summary/abstract.  If it looks of interest, read the conclusion or last paragraph.  If it is still of interest, download and read the entire article.
  • Repeat multiple times!

screenshot of article summary

Video: Simple Searching

video icon   Getting too many or too few results?  Watch Simple Searching to find out how you can improve:

Searching Mintel

The Mintel home screen has recently changed and no longer has the "Category Overview" menus which featured on the previous version. The best way to find reports on Mintel is to search by keyword from the home screen, then use the filters to narrow your results by sector, demographic etc. This Searching Mintel video, which is also embedded below, gives an introduction to searching on Mintel:

TGI Snapshot Introduction

This is an introduction to TGI Snapshot from Johnston Business Library in Canada. The data set demonstrated is Canadian. Solent's subscription offers access to UK data only.