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What are eResources?

database icon   laptop and mobile phone eResources are electronic information resources which can be accessed online and searched by topic, so you can quickly and easily find relevant information. 

eResources provide access to scholarly journal articles, company and industry information, statistics, market research, newspapers and more. 

eResources are purchased by the Library to support you in your studies and allow 24/7 access to the latest high-quality information.

eResources for Journalism

ProQuest logo
This is a key resource you should be using:

Sage journalsFind more articles on communications and journalism:

To quickly find relevant full-text articles...

  • Before you search - choose the Advanced search option and select Only content I have full access to under Access Type

  • After you search - restrict your results to the Communication and Media Studies subject area using the filters

Emerald publishing
Use this to find more journal articles:


Market Research and Statistics

Sports journalism

Man holding cameraTry using SPORTDiscus for sports, sports sciences and medicine journals.

For more information about sport resources generally, rather than those relating specifically to journalism, see the Football LibguideSport & Exercise Sciences Libguide and the Sport and Exercise Psychology Libguide.

Fashion journalism

Event reportingFor images and content relating directly to fashion, use the eResources listed below.  Berg is great for historical fashion information whilst WGSN is good for future trends and current images.

Other resources to consider are:

  • book iconprinted fashion books on the Lower Ground Floor of the Library
  • professional iconjournal articles in Fashion Theory (use the Taylor and Francis link and note the off campus information)
  • Magazine iconcurrent popular magazines (as opposed to academic journals) such as Vogue, Elle, GQ: 
  • Located on the Lower Ground Floor of the Library or search the Library Catalogue
  • For older magazines, check the Consumer Culture Collection.  
  • Magazine iconDrapers - latest news from the fashion industry (make sure you are logged into SOL and note the access instructions)

Use the Fashion subject guide for more ideas


BoB/Learning on Screen

Company / Industry information

LinkedIn Learning

Dissertations and Theses

shelf of old books

Undergraduate and Masters projects

If you wish to access good practice examples of final year projects, dissertations or Masters theses please contact your lecturer.


Doctoral theses