eResources are electronic information resources which can be accessed online and searched by topic, so you can quickly and easily find relevant information.
eResources provide access to scholarly journal articles, company and industry information, statistics, market research, newspapers and more.
eResources are purchased by the Library to support you in your studies and allow 24/7 access to the latest high-quality information.
Leading resource for English literature including literary works, key criticism, author and reference resources.
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Find further academic articles in JSTOR:
Access to 2800+ full text journals spanning more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences (or select to view reference details of further items covered by JSTOR). The most recent 1-5 years are not usually available. Also includes access to the Primary Source Collections which include 19th Century British Pamphlets, created by Research Libraries UK (RLUK), containing the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in research libraries in the United Kingdom.
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Use this to find more journal articles:
A collection of journals with articles on strategy, entrepreneurship, international business and emerging markets.
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Use the filters on bottom right to restrict searches to only content I have access to. Many others titles are available on Emerald to which we do not subscribe.
Provides unlimited access to thousands of resources for English and the Performing Arts, covering award-winning productions, different genres, themes and forms. Includes video, written resources and a wealth of study materials.
To Log in, enter your University email address and click Next. Enter Solent University as the Identity Provider Name and click on the link. Enter your University email address and password.
Please note, you will need to set up multi-factor authentication multi-factor authentication before using this resource. If you are having problems setting up your multi-factor authentication, please contact the Guided Learning Centre.
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Access performances, plays and supporting materials including live stage performances at the Globe Theatre (Globe on Screen), audio plays, scholarly works providing contextual and critical background plus practical guides.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Please note, you will need to set up multi-factor authentication before using this resource. If you are having problems setting up your multi-factor authentication, please contact the Guided Learning Centre.
Access 160 full text journals covering dance, drama, stagecraft, comedy, film, and television (with indexes and abstracts available for a further 200+ journals).
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Over 50,000 free literary titles in epub and kindle format to download or read online.
Content from the British Library's repository and others about events, lives, values and themes in the nineteenth century.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Full text news content from both the UK and Europe including UK broadsheets, tabloids and regional presses. More extensive international content can be accessed via International Newsstream and content specifically relating to North America can be accessed via US Newsstream listed under 'I' and 'U' from the tabs above.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Search The Times Digital Archive, The Financial Times Historical Archive, The 17th and 18th Century Burney Newspaper Collection and 19th Century British Newspapers.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
Use the Help option for further information.
Market research reports, trends and consumer data on a wide range of topics.
To Log in, choose Solent University. Enter your University email address and password.
A database providing access to over one million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics including data on business, technology, politics and society covering countries and regions around the world. Please note, Southampton Solent Library does not have access to the E-Commerce Insights module.
To Log in: enter your University email address and password.
Please note:
Provides access to recorded TV and radio broadcasts to all the major channels.
To Log in, enter your University email address and password.
High-quality instructional videos across a broad range of topics.
To Log in, select the Solent University SAML-DEV option (recommended for Solent University) and enter your University email address and password. Please note: You might need to set up multi-factor authentication to use this resource.
If you wish to access good practice examples of final year projects, dissertations or Masters theses please contact your lecturer.
Scholarly research and industry news for hospitality, tourism, events and festivals.
To Log in off campus, enter your university username and password.
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Google Scholar is a search engine that allows you to search for more academic content on the web. You can use it to track down journal articles, book details and more. You can set it up to show you which results you can access via a Solent University library subscription.
Set up a link to 'Import into RefWorks' for each result in your list. To set this up, go into the menu icon, select Settings and in the 'Bibliography Manager' section, select RefWorks and save.
Some eResources just provide citation details and an abstract (a short summary) rather than the full article. You can use the abstract to decide if the full text is worth reading.
If you want to read the full text and it is not available:
Restrict your searches to Full Text using the options provided
Set up Google Scholar library links (see Google Scholar tab).
Sometimes you will get quite a few results and you will need to pick out the most relevant.
Getting too many or too few results? Watch Simple Searching to find out how you can improve:
Literature Online (LION) is the leading resource for those studying literature in English. It combines over 355,000 literary works including poetry, prose, and drama from the 8th to the 21st century with a huge library of criticism and reference material. It provides easy to access to thousands of literary articles, essays, biographies, and encyclopaedia entries.
LION contains more than 17,000 author entries from over 100 nations. These includes links to criticism, journal articles, and additional citations, alongside reference materials, some full text works and extensive bibliography and biography details. You can search and browse by name, literary movement or period, nationality, and ethnicity.
This is a catalogue of over 355,000 full-text works divided into Drama, Poetry, and Prose, including many major works. The works are arranged into 14 easily searchable collections including English Poetry, American Drama 1714-1915, and Nineteenth Century Fiction.
You can search for first lines or keywords in a poem, plays by genre or playwright, or prose titles by author or literary movement. You can also easily check for variants in spelling, including Old English, to make searching easier.
You can search for over 400 journal titles for full-text materials written about an author and their works including journal articles, monographs, and dissertations. You can do this across all sources or limit to just ABELL (Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature).
A collection of video and audio recording which includes poets reading their own works, links to poetry readings at The Poetry Archive, and a complete audio collection of the 38 plays of Shakespeare.
This is a useful section to get an overview or background of subjects, authors, and titles. Limit your search to major literary reference works including dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and glossaries. It also includes bibliographies, biographies, and other resources, which give an overview of an author and their texts such as Knowledge Notes Student Guides and Penguin Classics Introductions.
The Mintel home screen has recently changed and no longer has the "Category Overview" menus which featured on the previous version. The best way to find reports on Mintel is to search by keyword from the home screen, then use the filters to narrow your results by sector, demographic etc. This Searching Mintel video, which is also embedded below, gives an introduction to searching on Mintel: