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Succeed@Solent offers a wide range of online resources to help support you through your course and includes information on the following:-

Academic writing
Learn more about the writing process: connecting, planning and editing your work.

Research skills
Improve your search strategies and evaluate the quality of the information you are using.

Critical thinking
Learn what it means to question, analyse and evaluate, and bring depth to your work.

Compare good presenters with weak ones, and learn how to achieve a good delivery.

Learn how to structure your proposal and dissertation, and make this your best piece of work.

Literature reviews
Find out what a literature review involves, and how best to structure it. 

Maths and statistics 
An introduction to maths and statistics with reference to the most common areas of difficulty.

Reflective thinking and writing
Understand how good reflection can help you improve your work, and how to write reflectively.

Starting assignments
Understand the difference between essays and reports, and how to structure them both.