General politics books are in the 320s with parliament and government in the 350s
Both sections are found on Floor 1A.
These are not located with the Law and Criminology titles on Floor 0A, so you will need to use the Library Catalogue to locate what you need.
Search these eResources to find academic journal articles relating to politics:
Searches leading databases (ASSIA/NCJRS/IBSS/Sociology Abstracts) with access to many full-text articles.
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Full text news content from both the UK and Europe including UK broadsheets, tabloids and regional presses. More extensive international content can be accessed via International Newsstream and content specifically relating to North America can be accessed via US Newsstream listed under 'I' and 'U' from the tabs above.
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Search The Times Digital Archive, The Financial Times Historical Archive, The 17th and 18th Century Burney Newspaper Collection and 19th Century British Newspapers.
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The most time-efficient way to search the UK Parliament and GOV.UK sites is to use Google's site: search (e.g. cabinet "prime minister").
Other useful sites include:
Parliament plays a vital role in ensuring that the Government remains accountable by:
Use the resources below to locate important documents generated from these processes.
Includes all parliamentary publications including Bills and related documents, Commons and Lords Hansard (debates), Weekly Information Bulletin, Committee and Research publications.
Includes all Government Command Papers and other key documents from 2005 onwards.
Filter documents using the options on the left.
For older publications, try the University of Southampton's archives:
This contains the full proceedings of both Houses and Commons Committee debates from the 1800s to the present day.
Parliament produces excellent and up-to-date research on a range of topics and policy areas. These sites are well worth a look.
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