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Solent Researchers

Library support for staff and students


What is an ORCID?

An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique researcher ID number. It is used to link researchers with their outputs and activities. It helps with disambiguation and transparency, helping with discoverability and recognition. It is free to register for an ORCID, and easy to set up, and you can register at any point in your career. 

Some institutions and funders require researchers to have an ORCID, and at Solent University authors should include their ORCID where possible. 

Persistent digital identifiers like ORCIDs help with the flow of information between systems, which is good for funders and institutions who need to monitor research activity. For researchers, as well as discoverability and recognition for their work, they can benefit from reduced administration in funder and publisher workflows with single sign-on. Learn more about the benefits of having an ORCID as a researcher here:

To add your ORCID to your Pure profile:

> Login to Pure

> Edit person profile

> Add existing ORCID

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