The library aims to provide resources, services and expertise that will support the University’s staff and students in their teaching, learning and research.
Solent University students and staff are very welcome to make use of our library service. Customers from other educational institutions and members of the public are also welcome to use a limited range of services and resources.
In order to maintain a safe and pleasant working environment we operate an access policy. Security systems help protect the resources and provide visitor statistics.
All customers must carry valid identification to be shown to staff on request. University members must carry a valid campus card and all other customers a temporary library card (cards are not transferable).
Customers will be required to present their ID/campus card to gain admission to Solent Library outside of core hours.
We identify three groups of customers:
Children under 16, who are accompanied by an adult, may visit the library. They must be accompanied at all times and adults are responsible for ensuring that children are safe and do not cause disruption.
All members of the university are issued with a campus card.
Lost campus cards must be reported to the relevant School and to the library as soon as possible. Replacement campus cards for students can be purchased online via the Solent online shop. The receipt and payment number must then be taken to the student hub where the card can be collected.
A valid campus card or temporary library card will be required for borrowing and other services.
More information on our opening hours
Non university members can subscribe to the library and gain limited access to services and resources. Student and staff alumni can sign up for a card to gain access to services and resources. SCONUL members can also use the library.
To apply for access to the library:
Please note: all our customers must adhere to the library regulations.
We hope that you enjoy your visit and if you have any feedback then feel free to let us know.