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Special Collections

Ken Russell archive

Ken Russell was a British film director, writer, and producer; he was born in Southampton in 1927 and continued directing up until his death in 2011.

The Ken Russell Collection includes still photographs, contact sheets, scripts, and other materials donated to the University by Ken Russell.

To see exactly what the collection contains, view the Ken Russell collection catalogue on Archives Hub.

To make an appointment to consult the archive or to ask further questions, email

Ken Russell's career

Russell began making short films in the 1950s, and in 1959 got his break directing documentaries for the BBC TV arts programme Monitor.  He quickly moved into feature films, and won an Oscar nomination for his 1969 film Women in Love.  Several of his films caused controversy for their portrayal of sexuality and religion, The Devils (1971) being a notable example.


For more detail about Russell's career, you could view his credits on IMDB, watch a 2012 BBC documentary (via the University's subscription to BoB National), or consult some of the critical studies about him that can be found via this Solent Library catalogue search for works about Russell.


Perhaps the best way to discover Russell is to watch some of his output. Solent Library holds some of his works on DVD, as you can see from this catalogue search for works by Russell. But many of his works are available via the University's subscription to BoB National including:

But there are many more, try searching for Ken Russell through BoB National ...

Ken Russell archive - images

Tommy collection

Images from Tommy

Women in Love collection

Image from Women in Love

photo album

Images from a photo album containing stills from The Rainbow