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Harvard Solent Referencing Guide

Updates to the Harvard Solent LibGuide - summer 2024

The Harvard Solent Referencing LibGuide will be revised and updated over the coming weeks.

The existing content will remain the same but the structure will change and additional guidance will be added.

The changes should be completed by the start of the new academic year 2024/25.

Harvard Solent Referencing

In academic writing, it's essential that you cite (state) your sources of information and ideas. To ensure readers know where you found the information you must include references

You need to reference all the sources that you use in your assignments - by citing them in the main body of your assignment (an in-text reference) and compiling a full reference list at the end of your work

This guide will show you how to reference the main sources of information you will come across

Introducing referencing

The below video offers an introduction to referencing and why it is important to your assignments.

We have also produced a written version of this guide using the script of the video which you can access below as a PDF:

Style note

This LibGuide covers Solent University's interpretation of the British Standard Harvard referencing style.  Whatever approach you take, you must be consistent in the style of your references.

Please note that Harvard is a popular style of referencing but there are other styles you could use.  Please check with your lecturer as to which style you are expected to follow.


Reference list

BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION, 2010.  BS ISO 690:2010 Information and documentation - guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.  London: British Standards Institution