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Solent Library Green Team

Solent Green Library Team


Our library provides plenty of recycling bins within all areas of the library, bins which will take clean plastics, cardboard, cans, glass and paper. Bins for general waste, as well as bins for food waste and liquid waste.  Adding food and/or liquid to the recycling bins can contaminate the dry waste and it all ends up having to go into landfills, which is something we actively try to educate users against.  We encourage all library users to make the most of the recycling bins using them effectively. 


Library staff also compost vegetation waste from our staff kitchen.   The library has green bins where food waste is split from other waste allowing for most of the waste placed in the bins to go on for recycling rather than landfill.

For staff there is a central point within the library for used batteries, plastic bottle tops, and stamps - all of which get sent off to the relevant recycling points. 


For more information on Solent University's Waste and Recycling view the section within their 
Environment and sustainability portal page.