The library staff work to minimise the library's impact on the environment in the following areas:
- Reducing electricity usage by ensuring that lights and equipment are not unnecessarily kept on and that all equipment defaults to power save modes when not in use.
- All refurbished areas have been installed with motion sensitive lighting which means areas are lit only when in use.
- MyPrint – reduces unnecessary printing, copying and paper use. These multi-functional machines provide options such as double sided copying and scan to email as well as releasing your printing to suit you.
- We recycle our non-confidential waste paper.
- We encourage our suppliers to reduce unnecessary packaging.
- We recycle and acquisition unwanted stationery, equipment and furniture via Solent's Reuse Portal.
- We send redundant book stock to BetterWorld and other book collection agencies, who sell, reuse or recycle the stock. For any book that the company sells, a book is donated to ‘Books for Africa’ and ‘Feed the Children’.
- Guardians and champions of real plants - we keep and maintain real plants in open areas of the library, to improve the library’s environment. See image below.
- We promote books and resources to staff, students and visitors of the library, via our foyer displays during Fairtrade and Environmental Weeks.

Image: Plants outside the loans office on the Library ground floor.