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Harvard Solent Referencing Guide


Reviews can include reviews of a book, an article, drama/musical performance and film review.

In-text reference example

Billington (2008, p. 19) felt that the performers....


Reference list format

REVIEWER (if indicated)., Year of publication. ‘Title of the review’ (in single quotation marks)  Review of … (title of work reviewed – in italics) Author/director of work being reviewed. Publication details (title in italics)

If accessed online include the [viewed date] and Available from: URL  


Reference list examples

BILLINGTON, M., 2008. ‘The main event’. Review of On the rocks, by D.H. Lawrence. Hampstead Theatre, London. The Guardian (Review section), 5 July, p. 19.

HAUCK, P.G., 2017. ‘It is neutron dense’. Review of Health economics 2nd ed, by F. Sloan and C-R. Hsieh. Amazon UK (Review section) [viewed 2 March 2018]. Available from: https://