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RefWorks (ProQuest)

Creating bibliographies and reference lists

Once you have all of your in-text citations in your assignment, you can use RefWorks to create your final reference list (or bibliography). 

Do this by clicking on the Quote Marks at the top of the page and selecting Create Bibliography, this will create your list which you can easily copy and paste straight into your document. 

  • A reference list, contains only sources you have cited in-text in your assignment
  • A bibliography,  is a list of all the sources you have used. As well as your in-text citations it includes all the resources you have read or referred to which have gone into developing your ideas on the topic.


Refworks Create Bibliography function


If you have problems generating your bibliography in RefWorks, please ensure that cookies are not being blocked and any add-ons have been disabled.

Creating reference list help video

Video play icon  The video below will take you through creating bibliographies and reference lists as well as changing style and creating in-text citations with RefWorks. 


Creating reference lists and in-text citations