...as seen in the influence of folk music (Britten 1980).
ORIGINATOR, Initial., Year of publication. Title. Subsidiary ORIGINATOR (e.g. editor). Place of publication: Publisher
BRITTEN, B., 1980. Eight folk song arrangements, for high voice and harp. Osian ELLIS, ed. London: Faber Music
You may want to include the page number or number range indicating where you found the information you are referring to for some sources. For guidance on how to do this see the ‘Page numbers for in-text references’ section.
Include the details of both originators in the in-text citations and the full reference list.
Only the first originator surname is reversed in the full reference list entry.
Vidic and Greene (2024) have referred to the concern...
It is clear that there is a concern around the "extreme information overload" (Vidic and Greene 2024, p.35)
ORIGINATOR, Initial., and Initial. ORIGINATOR, Year of publication. Title. Subsidiary ORIGINATOR (e.g. Editor). Place of publication: Publisher
The format for adding two originators to a full reference is shown below.
VIDIC, P. and L. GREENE, 2024. [Add full reference details for the source type after the originators following the format above]
You may want to include the page number or number range indicating where you found the information you are referring to for some sources. For guidance on how to do this see the ‘Page numbers for in-text references’ section.
Include the details of all three originators in both the in-text citations and the full reference list.
Only the first originators surname is reversed in the full reference list entry.
Rosa, Harris and Weyers (2021) have referred to the concern...
It is clear that there is a concern around the "extreme information overload" (Rosa, Harris and Weyers 2021)...
ORIGINATOR, Initial., Initial. ORIGINATOR and Initial. ORIGINATOR, Year of publication. Title. Subsidiary ORIGINATOR (e.g. editor). Place of publication: Publisher
The format for adding three originators to a full reference is shown below.
ROSA, L., P. HARRIS and T. WEYERS, 2021. [Add full reference details for the source type after the originator following the format above]
You may want to include the page number or number range indicating where you found the information you are referring to for some sources. For guidance on how to do this see the ‘Page numbers for in-text references’ section.
If your source has four or more originators, just include the first originator in both the in-text citation and full reference list entry. You will need to add et al. after the first originator to indicate there were multiple additional originators.
Svoen et al. (2023) have referred to the concern...
It is clear that there is a concern around the "extreme information overload" (Svoen et al. 2023)...
ORIGINATOR, Initial. et al., Year of publication. Title. Subsidiary ORIGINATOR (e.g. editor). Place of publication: Publisher
The format for adding four or more originators to a full reference is shown below.
SVOEN, L. et al., 2023. [Add full reference details for the source type after the originator following the format above]
You may want to include the page number or number range indicating where you found the information you are referring to for some sources. For guidance on how to do this see the ‘Page numbers for in-text references’ section.